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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Looking for Dark Matter's evidence

Black hole, star collisions may illuminate universe's dark side
Princeton and New York University researchers have simulated the effect of a primordial black hole passing through a star. Primordial black holes are among the objects hypothesized to make up dark matter -- the invisible substance thought to constitute much of the universe -- and astronomers could use the researchers' model to finally observe the elusive black holes. This image illustrates the resulting vibration waves as a primordial black hole (white dots) passes through the center of a star. The different colors correspond to the density of the primordial black hole and strength of the vibration. Credit: Image by Tim Sandstrom
Black hole, star collisions may illuminate universe's dark side
Scientists looking to capture evidence of dark matter -- the invisible substance thought to constitute much of the universe -- may find a helpful tool in the recent work of researchers from Princeton University and New York University.

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