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Sunday, January 23, 2011

NASA scientist tremor claim - Chile quake has shifted the Earths axis - News -

NASA scientist tremor claim - Chile quake has shifted the Earths axis - News - (full reading)
The catastrophic earthquake in Chile has shifted the axis of the earth and shortened the length of a day, according to NASA scientists.
“Any worldly event that involves the movement of mass affects the Earth's rotation,” explained NASA scientist Benjamin Fong Chao from the Goddard Space Center in Greenbelt to CNN.
"The resulting vibrations can influence the distribution of mass on the planet and can have an effect on the speed of the Earth’s rotation and the gradient of the axis of the earth. The days will become shorter through this.”
NASA research scientist Richard Gross confirmed the movement of the Earth’s axis. He used a computer model to discover that it has shifted by around eight centimetres.

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