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Friday, November 30, 2018

Painting like Pollock

Dripping like Pollock
BERNARDO PALACIOS, SANDRA ZETINA, ROBERTO ZENIT, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, CHRIS MCGLINCHEY, Museum of Modern Art, New York — this scientists made an investigation where they reproduced, in a controlled manner, the dripping technique used by Jackson Pollock to creat abstract paintings. They drip a fluid jet on top of a horizontal surface, varying the height from the substrate, the liquid flow rate and the displacement speed of the nozzle. They also found that the non Newtonian properties of the paints are of great importance to create these patterns. Since the fluid jets are rapidly stretched, the sudden increase of extensional viscosity plays an important role to produce the characteristic Pollock patterns.
(from the abstract in a Scientific presentation made by the author in 2014)

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