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Monday, September 26, 2011

The Neutrino's Saga - Part 3

The OPERA experiment

Roll over Einstein: Law of physics challenged (Update 3)
One of the very pillars of physics and Einstein's theory of relativity - that nothing can go faster than the speed of light - was rocked Thursday by new findings from one of the world's foremost laboratories.

"[...] As a spokesperson for the MINOS neutrino experiment told Ars yesterday, there are three potential sources of error in the timing measurements: distance errors, time-of-flight errors, and errors in the timing of neutrino production. The vast majority of both the paper and the lecture were dedicated to discussing how these errors were reduced (the actual detection of the neutrinos was only a small portion of the paper).
[...] There are a lot of potential sources of error they know about—the paper’s table lists a dozen of them. Small errors in each of these could add up to something more significant than their total error. Then there are the classic unknown unknowns.

More in the news Reuters, PhysicsAbout

Attention at FermiLab:

See the video of the presentation in a seminar:

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